The Top 10 Cheapest Travel Destinations for 2024

The Top 10 Cheapest Travel Destinations for 2024 | Instead of India!

Travel Guides

Price of everything going up and up. So in the year 2024, we can consider for a wallet-friendly travel destinations. While traveling offers numerous mental and physical benefits, the costs associated with it can sometimes pose a significant challenge. In this article, we've compiled a list of 10 of the most budget-friendly places to explore in the coming year. These destinations provide a perfect blend of affordability, attractions, and unique experiences.

10)Turkey - Embrace Rich Culture and Scenic Beauty

Turkey is a shining example of a destination that offers both affordability and a wealth of attractions. In 2023, it ranked as the most-traveled country globally and remains one of the cheapest places to explore. With an average daily expenditure of just $47, you can enjoy the bustling streets of Istanbul, savor local Turkish cuisine, and even take a hot air balloon ride over the mesmerizing landscape of Cappadocia.


Top Places to Consider:

  •  Istanbul
  • Antalya
  • Bodrum

09) Vietnam - Discover Hidden Gems on a Budget

Vietnam, with its captivating landscapes, delicious cuisine, and warm hospitality, is a budget traveler's paradise. You can experience Vietnam's beauty and culture for approximately $37 per day. Don't miss the iconic Golden Bridge in Da Nang and the rich flavors of Vietnamese street food, like Pho, during your visit.

Top Places to Consider:

  • Hanoi
  • Ho Chi Minh City
  • Da Nang

 08) Thailand - A Tropical Escape Without Breaking the Bank

Thailand's idyllic islands, vibrant culture, and delectable cuisine make it a popular choice among travelers. With an average daily cost of $45, you can explore the stunning beaches of Phuket, immerse yourself in the bustling streets of Bangkok, and enjoy the laid-back atmosphere of Chiang Mai.

Thailand travel

Top Places to Consider:

  • Phuket
  • Bangkok
  • Chiang Mai

07)Peru - A South American Gem

Peru offers a unique blend of ancient archaeological sites, breathtaking natural landscapes, and vibrant culture. While accommodation costs may vary, you can budget for around $55 per day. Don't miss the opportunity to hike the Rainbow Mountains and explore the historic city of Cusco.

Peru travel

Top Cities to Consider:

  • Lima
  • Cusco
  • Trujillo

06) Mexico - A Feast for the Senses

Mexico boasts world-renowned cuisine, diverse cities, and year-round warm weather. Your daily expenses in Mexico can range from $6 for street food to $200 for luxury hotels, making it a versatile destination. Experience the charm of Mexico City, the beaches of Cancun, or the laid-back vibes of Playa Del Carmen.

Mexico City

Top Cities to Consider:

  • Mexico City
  • Cancun
  • Playa Del Carmen

05)Philippines - Island Paradise on a Budget

The Philippines is a haven for beach lovers and adventure seekers. While prices have risen slightly, you can still enjoy this tropical paradise for around $75 per day. Explore Manila's vibrant culture, unwind on the beaches of Cebu, or discover the natural beauty of Palawan.

Mindanao Ave, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu, Philippines
Mindanao Ave, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu, Philippines

Top Places to Consider:

  • Manila
  • Davao City
  • Cebu City

04)Argentina - An Affordable South American Jewel

Argentina offers affordability combined with a rich cultural experience. With a daily budget of approximately $117, you can explore the vibrant city of Buenos Aires, enjoy outdoor activities in Cordoba, and savor traditional Argentine BBQ.

Top Places to Consider:

  • Buenos Aires
  • Rosario
  • Cordoba

03)Cuba - A Caribbean Gem

Cuba, though relatively affordable compared to other Caribbean destinations, may cost you around $120 per day. Experience the colorful streets of Havana, relax in Santa Clara, and explore the culture in Santiago de Cuba. Just remember not to criticize Fidel Castro while visiting.

Top Places to Consider:

  • Havana
  • Santa Clara
  • Santiago de Cuba

02)Egypt - Explore Ancient Wonders

Egypt offers a fascinating blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. With a daily budget of $123, you can visit iconic landmarks like the Great Sphinx of Giza and enjoy the bustling streets of Cairo. Don't forget to explore the beaches of Alexandria.

Top Places to Consider:

  • Cairo
  • Alexandria
  • Sharm El-Sheikh

01)Colombia - A South American Delight

Colombia is gaining popularity as an affordable and diverse travel destination. You can explore this country for around $127 per day. Discover the colorful streets of Cartagena, the modern vibes of Medellin, and the natural beauty of Minca.

Top Places to Consider:

  • Cartagena
  • Medellin
  • Bogota

Two more extra............

Portugal - European Charm on a Budget

Portugal offers European charm without breaking the bank, with an average daily cost of $145. Explore Lisbon's historic neighborhoods, discover the stunning beaches of Lagos, and savor Portuguese cuisine and wine.

Top Places to Consider:

  • Lisbon
  • Porto
  • Lagos

Croatia - Affordable Adriatic Beauty

Croatia, located along the Adriatic Sea, provides affordability and natural beauty. Expect to spend around $147 per day, which is much less than many other European destinations. Explore the historic city of Dubrovnik, relax on Croatia's pristine beaches, and visit its national parks.

Top Places to Consider:

  • Rijeka
  • Pula
  • Dubrovnik

In conclusion, these 12 destinations offer budget travelers the opportunity to explore the world without draining their wallets. Whether you prefer the tropical paradise of the Philippines, the cultural richness of Argentina, or the historic charm of Portugal, there's a budget-friendly destination for every type of traveler. Start planning your 2024 adventures now!


1. What country is the cheapest to travel to?

Vietnam is the most budget-friendly travel destination, with an average daily cost of $37.

2. Which country is the best and cheapest to travel to?

Thailand, Vietnam, and Turkey are among the top choices for budget-friendly and tourist-friendly travel destinations.

3. Where is the cheapest international place to fly to?

Mexico tops the list as the cheapest country for international travel.

4. What is the cheapest way to travel the world?

Buses are generally the most cost-effective mode of transportation for world travelers.

5. Can I book affordable accommodations in these destinations?

Yes, many of these destinations offer a range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly hostels to luxurious resorts, catering to various budgets. Consider booking in advance for the best deals. 

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